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DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames

發表於 2020-1-3 21:01:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式





On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light 寒冷冬日,曙光初露之前的黎明

In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight 騎馬奔赴戰場,在永恆死亡國度的烈焰中

And the darkness is falling down and the times are tough all right 黑暗籠罩下,度過苦難的時日

The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight 今夜,全世界迴盪著邪惡的笑聲

Fighting high, fighting on for the steel 鬥志高昂,戰意如鋼

Through the wastelands evermore 破碎的靈魂穿越荒原後

The scattered souls will feel the hell that is wasted on the shores 將在海岸邊見到地獄的消亡

On the blackest waves in history 歷史上最黑暗的時日

We watch them as they go 我們目送它遠去

Through fire, pain and once again we know 一次次經歷戰火與傷痛後

So now we fly ever free 我們終於自由地展翅飛起

We're free before the thunderstorm 再不懼怕狂風驟雨

On towards the wilderness our quest carries on 曠野上,探索的步伐永不停止

Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight 跨越日落,穿過月光

Deep inside our hearts and all our souls 深深鐫刻在靈魂與心底

So far away we wait for the day 這一天我們期盼已久

For the lights are so wasted and gone 為了悄然逝去的光明

We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days 我們曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛

Through the fire and the flames we carry on 但現在將穿越烈焰與火光,不斷前行

As the red day is dawning 紅色的黎明即將拂曉

And the lightning cracks the sky 閃電撕裂了天空

They raise their hands to the heavens above 他們舉起雙手向天國祈求

As we send them to their lies 卻只能落回自己的謊言中

Running back through the mid-morning light 我們終於重新沐浴晨光

There's a burning in my heart 心中烈火熊熊

We're banished from the time in the fallen land 從墮落國度中解脫

To a light beyond the stars 奔向光芒閃耀的群星

In the blackest dreams we do believe 在無盡的噩夢中我們曾堅信

Our destiny this time 這個時候我們的命運

And endlessly we'll all be free tonight 命運中的自由今夜就會成真

And on the wings of a dream 張開夢想的翅膀

So far beyond reality 超越殘酷的現實

All alone in desperation 孤獨絕望的時光

Now the time is gone 已經過去

Lost inside you'll never find 迷失自我將永遠找不到自己

Lost within my own mind 如果放任自己迷失在心裡

Day after day this misery must go on 苦難的日子仍會繼續

So far away we wait for the day 這一天我們期盼已久

For the lights are so wasted and gone 為了悄然逝去的光明

We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days 我們曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛

Through the fire and the flames we carry on 但現在將穿越烈焰與火光,不斷前行

Now here we stand with their blood on our hands 現在我們雙手沾滿敵人的鮮血

We've fought so hard now can we understand? 這樣艱難的戰鬥意義何在?

I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can 因為我將竭盡全力打破詛咒的封印

For freedom of every man 為了自由的到來

So far away we wait for the day 這一天我們期盼已久

For the lights are so wasted and gone 為了悄然逝去的光明

We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days 我們曾因那些失落的日子陷入苦痛

Through the fire and the flames we carry on 但現在將穿越烈焰與火光,不斷前行




參與人數 3功勳 +42 收起 理由
豢龍氏檸檬 + 12
馬芬喵 + 15 感覺吉他手跟鼓手超累
以來喵 + 15


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